What Does the CPAT Include?

CPAT standards for Candidate Physical Ability Test. Candidates can obtain their CPAT from any IAFF certified provider and must be able to show proof of a passed CPAT prior to their initial interview in order to move forward in any of our agencies hiring processes.

Because WA Fire Careers has chosen National Testing Network (NTN) as the administrator of the written exam, they are also a convenient choice for the CPAT. NTN will share your CPAT with our agencies automatically.

Candidates must complete the CPAT within 10 minutes and 20 seconds to pass. Here is what you can expect from the CPAT.

CPAT Orientation and Practice

National Testing Network (NTN), Public Safety Testing (PST), and other reputable IAFF certified CPAT providers follow strict CPAT standards in accordance to the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). Those standards require that they offer candidates the opportunity to attend a Pre-test Program. Both NTN and PST offer pre-test resources include access to free CPAT orientations, as well as the opportunity to purchase practice runs of the actual CPAT prior to your test.

Here are some guides from NTN to help you further understand the CPAT:

CPAT Instruction Video
CPAT Orientation Guide
CPAT Orientation Guide Image
CPAT Preparation Guide
CPAT Orientation Guide Image
Get more information and guides on the CPAT from NTN

Financial Preparation

Taking the CPAT is an investment in your future fire service career. In WA, there are two primary agencies we recommend for taking the CPAT: National Testing Network (NTN), who we also utilize for written exams, and Public Safety Testing (PST).

NTN includes two (2) orientation sessions in the cost of the test, to be attended within the 8 weeks preceding your CPAT.  Candidates can also purchase, for an additional cost, access to two (2) timed practice runs to be completed within 30 days prior to your CPAT. NTN will also automatically send your CPAT information to our agencies.

PST offers free CPAT orientation, as well as the option to purchase a practice run. They allow rescheduling or cancellation for small fees, depending on whether it’s the practice run or the CPAT itself.

The 2022 costs for these agencies are below. If you choose a different IAFF certified testing provider, your costs may vary.

Testing Agency Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) CPAT Timed Practice Runs
NTN $145 – $155
(cost varies by location)
$45 – $55
(two (2) included; cost varies by location)
PST $139 $43
Your CPAT is good for up to 12 months from the date you pass.

Register for your CPAT Today!

If you feel ready to schedule your CPAT, one of the providers below is a great option! You are not obligated to use these vendors as your CPAT provider, but they do provide great, local convenience at a competitive cost, and National Testing Network will send our agencies your score automatically. Just remember, you must obtain your CPAT from an IAFF certified provider.

Register with National Testing Network
Register with Public Safety Testing